Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Healthy Tip

Hey everyone! I've always loved Mondays, because I feel as if I get a chance to do things better than I did before. Of course any day can ignite a change in your life, but Mondays are a symbol of new beginnings.

This Monday, take an opportunity to begin something you've been putting off for any number of reasons. If you planned to start a healthier lifestyle, then let it begin today. If you wanted to increase your physical activity, then get moving! Tomorrow is not promised so "Seize the day!"

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Monday's Health and Fitness Tip

Hey everyone! I've always loved Mondays, because I feel as if I get a chance to do things better than I did before. Of course any day can ignite a change in your life, but Mondays are a symbol of new beginnings.

This Monday, take an opportunity to begin something you've been putting off for any number of reasons. If you planned to start a healthier lifestyle, then let it begin today. If you wanted to increase your physical activity, then get moving! Tomorrow is not promised so "Seize the day!"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Having an Impact

Have you ever felt as though you were insignificant, or as if you didn’t matter as much as someone who was better looking, smarter, richer, more popular, etc… Our society sends us subliminal messages, everyday, that reinforce these insecurities. Every human being has the ability to touch someone else in a positive way, and consequently, could never be insignificant.

Recently I was contacted by someone on my Myspace page, who told me I was the reason they decided to get healthy. This statement took me by surprise because I had never met the person, but they had kept up with me and my journey to health. I had a positive impact on this individual without even knowing it.

This is just one example of why it is so important to always believe in your full potential. As a fitness professional, I have an opportunity and obligation to lead humanity to healthier minds, bodies, and spirits. By simply allowing my light to shine, I am lighting the path for others to do the same.

Wherever you are in your life journey, take the time to out to encourage someone. You may be the only positive beacon in that person’s life. Who knows, those few moments of genuine care and concern, may help trigger an avalanche of Universal kindness that will spread to many.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday's Health and Fitness Tip

Try using skim milk or nothing at all, in your coffee for at least a week. Half & Half and other creamers can have as much as 3 grams of fat per 1oz serving! Don't waste your fat calories on a couple of cups of coffee!

Once a week has passed, you will find that you don't crave the creamer as much as before.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday's Health and Fitness Tip

Try to do cardiovascular exercise at least 3 days per week for 30-45min. If you are a beginner, start simple, with walking around your neighborhood, or on your lunch break. If you are intermediate or advanced, take your workout to the next level by adding interval training.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hello everyone!

Wednesday's Health and Fitness Tip is: Watch your portion sizes throughout the day. You should eat no more than 2-4oz of meat at each meal, and make sure that you eat twice as many vegetables as meat. If you are trying to lose weight, eat no more than 3/4 cup of whole grain starches with your morning or afternoon meal. Refrain from eating starches with your evening meal.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hey everyone,

If you had the chance to be the perfect size or be in the perfect health, which would you choose and why?